ALL ABOARD the Rocky
Vacation Bible School Registration is now open (link below)!
Please read and follow the form directions carefully. Share this link with friends!
Register here:
- VBS will be Mon-Thu this year, June 7-10, 9am-12pm each day.
- Children who have completed K5 up to 5th grade may be registered for VBS.
- Members’ 6th-graders may help in VBPreSchool.
- VBPreSchool is only for members’ 3 and 4yo children (i.e. not an outreach event for this age group due to volunteer numbers). Children must be completely potty trained to participate. Parents must be members, but do not have to be VBS workers to register their children for VBPS.
- Nursery is for VBS workers’ children only, 0-2yo. Volunteers MUST preregister their children for nursery care!
- T-shirts are for VBS workers only, and are $5 ($20 family max) to help offset the cost of T-shirts.
Mandatory Crew Leader Training
Wednesday, June 2, at 7:00pm in the chapel (immediately following Wednesday Night Bible Study). This training will be brief, but it is very important for both new and returning Crew Leaders as some of our routine VBS procedures will be different this year! Please make every effort to attend this meeting!
Sanctuary Stewardship
Please leave (and ensure that your children leave) the acrylic pew rack material straighteners in place. Several of them have gone missing, been moved, or had its Morningview logo sticker peeled off.
No food or drink in the sanctuary. You may leave any mugs, tumblers, food, etc. on the tables just outside the sanctuary.
Also please allow children to draw or write on the Children’s Bulletins provided each Sunday and not on the prayer cards or giving envelopes.
Thank you for helping us preserve our newly renovated worship space and its supplies!
Extra Worship Spaces
We will no longer stream Sunday Morning Worship into the Chapel since it has not been regularly utilized by members or visitors. However, Fellowship Hall will continue to be open for extra seating and will have the worship service streamed live to the big tv on the stage.
Youth Six Flags Trip
Those registered for the Youth Six Flags Trip:
- Arrive at the bus barn Tuesday, June 1, NO LATER THAN 7:00am!
- Please bring $40 (check made out to MBC or exact cash) for your ticket if you did not already pay online, OR you may submit payment online here
- Currently, Six Flags requires facial masks at all times within the park. Please be prepared with your own mask or you will be required to purchase one from the park.
- Bring money for drinks and lunch inside the park, and for a fast food dinner stop on the way home.
- Dress modestly for the warm weather.
- There is a waterpark inside Six Flags which is included with park admission. Bring your swimsuit and towel if you want to go to the waterpark. You may also want to bring money to rent a locker for your personal items while in the waterpark.
Worship Care
More helpers would be a huge blessing as it would lessen the frequency at which current helpers are missing worship to serve in the nursery. Any church member or person in the membership process who is 18 or older is eligible to serve- men, women, singles, couples, those who have nursery-age children, and those who don’t. I pray that we would all want to help care for the MANY children Morningview has been gifted, and bless their parents and each other by serving in this way together.
Please contact Lindsay if you want to serve.
- Please check the schedule in the emailed eNews and know your day to serve.
- If you see that you can’t serve on your scheduled day, please call or text another person or couple on the schedule directly and make arrangements to swap days with them. (This is why it is so helpful to know your day in advance and swap days beforehand whenever possible!)
- Let me know if you do swap days or if you have trouble finding someone to swap with.
- Please arrive on the nursery hall no later than 10:15am on your Sunday.
- THANK YOU, volunteers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Prime Timers Luncheon
If you are 55+ please plan to join us for lunch at Red’s Little Schoolhouse on Thursday, June 24! Meet by the bus barn at 10:30am to ride the church bus to Red’s. Call the church office to register your attendance: 272-2304.
Deacon Work Day
Men, mark your calendars: Saturday, June 5.
College Student/Young Adult Community Group
Meets weekly on Thursdays at 7pm at Claire Kennedy’s. Jordan Nelson: 334-799-1468
Community Group Leader Training
Pastor Jon English Lee will cover different topics at each training (dates below). Group Leaders are expected to attend at least 2 sessions annually.
Each session is a separate event on Realm:
- Sunday, June 13, 4:30pm
- Sunday, August 22, 4:30pm
- Wednesday, September 15, 6:00pm
- Sunday, October 10, 4:30pm
- Wednesday, November 17, 6:00pm
- Sunday, December 5, 4:30pm
Cornerstone Classical Christian Academy
Please refer friends and family to Cornerstone! 334-356-7788.
In addition to the manifold benefits of Classical Christian education which Cornerstone already provides, our school now offers athletics through its partnership with Ezekiel Academy, and beginning this fall Cornerstone is moving to a block schedule which (among other advantages to students and parents) will allow for part-time enrollment options in the upper school!
Ways to Serve Our Church Family!
- Sunday Morning Greeters needed! Contact Becky Williams
- Ushers needed! Contact George Kelley or Brian Booth
- Childcare providers for Sunday morning (during Sunday School and Worship), Sunday evening, and/or Wednesday nights needed! Contact Jennifer Graham.
- Substitute Sunday School Teachers for children. See Melisa Bertolotti.
Heart to Heart Foster Ministry
CJ is in need of helpers to sort and hang clothes at the shop! For more information or to volunteer call CJ Brown: 770-367-7665.
See Heart to Heart’s Facebook page for news, ministry needs and service opportunities:
Wednesday Nights
Adult Bible Study- chapel
Youth Bible Study (6-12th graders)- 3rd floor Big Room
Children’s Bible lesson and games (K5-5th grade)- Fellowship Hall
Nursery Care (0-4)- nursery hall
Choir Rehearsal- sanctuary
June 16- August 11 will be our summer break from all Wednesday night activity.
- May 30, Memorial Day
- June 20, Father’s Day
- July 4, Independence Day
Church Membership
If you have already completed a membership class and would like to pursue membership at Morningview, please submit your completed “Personal Info” sheet (the gold form that was in your New Beginnings class binder) with your written testimony to the church office.
NEXT MEMBERSHIP CLASS: begins June 6. Pastor Shawn will be leading the 5-week New Beginnings Class which will meet during the Sunday School hour (9:15-10:15) in the Theological Library (Room 214) for 5 consecutive Sundays (June 6, 13, 20, 27, and July 4).
Call 334-272-2304 or email lindsay.edwards@morningview.
Please continue to pray for Pastor Shawn as he is on sabbatical until June 6. Pray that this would be a restful time and a productive time as he continues work on his book. Pray that it would be a great blessing to Pastor Shawn and his family.
Morningview sermon podcast can be found by searching for “Morningview Baptist” on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Anchor (