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Our Story

“And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” -Acts 2:42

On April 4, 1949, a group of 152 dedicated Southern Baptists met at Capitol Heights Elementary School and organized Morningview Baptist Church. Ever since then, we have been planted in our community and all together worshipping the one true God, who is most fully revealed to us in Christ Jesus.

We have steadily been growing over the years in the grace of God and in our fellowship with one another. As we meet together, we make sure that the teaching of God’s word is made a priority and that everything else that we do flows from God’s truth. All of our worship, fellowship, outreach, and even our prayers are carefully informed by scripture.

Because of our desire to be led by God’s word, the preaching at Morningview is expositional. That means that we go through a book of the Bible and let the Bible determine the topic of the sermon. By doing this, we allow the context to form the interpretation. Expositional preaching does not skip the more difficult passages of scripture. If God’s word teaches and guides a church, then that church embraces every verse of it.

Our love for God’s word has caused us to have a heart for those who have not heard it. We truly believe that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the greatest news anyone can hear and we have committed ourselves to the spreading of God’s glory to the ends of the earth. We are working not only internationally by our participation in the Southern Baptist Cooperative Program and our commitment to our mission partners but also right here in our own community.

The word of God has also caused us to seek our own unity even as we seek unity with God. One of the ways we do this is by being in covenant with one another, which simply means that we have all promised to be accountable to one another and faithful to our calling as God’s holy people. We know that God has redeemed us and set us apart for himself and for his purposes. By His grace, we are striving towards that Holy calling together.

We recognize that we are still being sanctified by God’s word and that our congregation is not perfect. That is why we have also committed to making corporate prayer an emphasis. We recognize that if our congregation is ever going to be a God glorifying church, then it can only be so with God’s help. So we come together to express our utter reliance on him and to seek his help and guidance in all that we do.