This saying came to mind this week as I was reading Genesis in our daily Bible. The story of Abraham is both inspiring and thought provoking. He was a man
This saying came to mind this week as I was reading Genesis in our daily Bible. The story of Abraham is both inspiring and thought provoking. He was a man
I believe I have shared with you before where the idea of New Year’s Resolutions came from. “New Years” as a holiday has its origins with the paganism of Rome.
I’m almost ashamed to admit it, but I was there. On Thanksgiving night, I was among the masses at Walmart having one of the most horrific experiences of my adult
“I know your deeds and your toil and perseverance, and that you cannot endure evil men, and you put to the test those who call themselves apostles, and they are
If you have spent any time watching or reading the news lately, you have no doubt been bombarded with stories regarding the tragic situation at Penn State, where one of
How many times have we heard people say, “Don’t pray for patience! God will bring trials and sufferings into your life if you pray for patience.” The problem with such
Let me start my article this week by giving you some very interesting information. The following statistics are taken from the book “Church Planter: The Man, The Message, The Mission”
All of your Christian life, you have had Sunday School teachers and Preachers teach you about the importance of daily prayer and Bible reading. In fact, we have heard it
As we have worked our way through Matthew’s gospel, we have frequently encountered the concept of personal humility. We are to be a humble people because Christ was a humble
9:15 am: Sunday School
10:30 am: Morning Worship
5:30 pm: Evening Worship and Prayer
5:15 pm: Family Supper (by reservation)
6:00 pm: Adult Bible Study
Youth Worship
Choir Rehearsal
G321 Children’s Discipleship