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CloseShawn Merithew - January 31, 2021
Calling Sinners to Repentance

In this text, we have Jesus calling Matthew, also known as Levi, out of his life as a tax collector and into a life of discipleship. If there was anyone in Israel viewed as lower than unclean lepers, it was tax collectors. But in Matthew's conversion, we see again the power of the grace of Christ and the beauty of a changed heart. We also see a stark contrast between this wondrous work of Christ and the self-righteousness disposition of the Pharisees.
Scripture References: Luke 5:27-32
Related Topics: Character of God, Conversion, Faith, Gospel, Love, Person of Christ, Rebuke, Repentance, Self-righteousness, Sin, Work of Christ | More Messages from Shawn Merithew | Download Audio