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CloseShawn Merithew - April 19, 2020
Disciples of the Risen Christ

In this text, we have Jesus appearing in the midst of His disciples after His resurrection to give them clear direction in their new purpose. Now they finally see that Jesus was so much more than some nationalistic deliverer sent to free the Jews. He was God's Son, crucified for the sins of the world and risen from the grave, and His “good news” was to be proclaimed to all nations. So in this sermon, we explore our evangelistic imperative and the joy that is ours to share His gospel.
Scripture References: Luke 24:44-53
Related Topics: Character of God, Evangelism, Forgiveness, Gospel, Gospel in Old Testament, Missions, Person of Christ, Salvation, The Holy Spirit, Witness, Work of Christ, Worship | More Messages from Shawn Merithew | Download Audio