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CloseShawn Merithew - October 9, 2016
Living on Mission - Where Is our Lord?

When Paul considered how his fellow Israelites rejected their Messiah, he was filled with great sorrow and unceasing grief. He knew He could not redeem them himself, but in his own heart, he would willingly be separated from Christ if it would accomplish the salvation of his kinsmen. They were a privileged people, and the righteous Son of God was born among them, but because of their unbelief, Jesus did not belong to them. But their unbelief did not thwart Paul’s passion for ministry, it fueled his mission. To live life on mission is to share the burden of Christ for this world, and to reach sinners with the gospel by acting and speaking and loving and ministering and suffering like Christ until He brings us home to glory.
Scripture References: Romans 9:1-5
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