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CloseShawn Merithew - April 17, 2016
My Two Natures at War - Part 2

In the latter part of Romans 7, Paul has been sharing his own testimony of how his “Inner Man” or new, regenerate nature wrestles with his “Old Man” or the “Law of Sin” still present in his members. His words here reflect the anguish of a saint who too often finds himself taken captive by his old nature. Must he simply try harder to keep the law? Does God forsake His children who struggle with sin? Absolutely not. The answer is that Christ will be the One who ultimately sets the Christian free from this body of death, and therefore we press on in the battle with our flesh knowing that, in Christ, we are forgiven.
Scripture References: Romans 7:21-25
From Series: Sermons, Justified in Christ Alone | More Messages from Shawn Merithew | Download Audio
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