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CloseShawn Merithew - March 3, 2024
The Burial of Christ

Exceeding grief, deep emotional pain, the emptiness of loss – these were the emotions being felt by the followers and loved ones of Jesus as they watched Him die. Now it was time for them to care for the body of Jesus. From this text, we glean the significance of Jesus' death, and we are blessed to behold the courage and compassion of people like Joseph of Arimathea, Nicodemas, and Mary Magdalene as they continued to meet Christ's earthly need for burial.
Scripture References: Luke 23:50-56
Related Topics: Character of God, Crucifixion, Faith, Gospel, Justification, Love, Nature of Humanity, Person of Christ, Salvation, Sin, Suffering, Work of Christ | More Messages from Shawn Merithew | Download Audio