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CloseShawn Merithew - June 28, 2020
The Final Family Fallout

All the way back in 2 Samuel 12, God told David that turmoil would come to his house because of his sins of adultery and murder. Now near the end of his life, David must once again act quickly to fend off the advances of a treasonous son who is looking to steal the throne of Israel. As we see David place his Solomon on the throne, we are brought to understand again the danger of spiritual complacency, the need for wise action, the the blessings of divine grace.
Scripture References: 1 Kings 1:1-53
From Series: Sermons, The Life of David | More Messages from Shawn Merithew | Download Audio
From Series: "Sermons"
More Messages Associated With "Character of God"...

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Sermon: Proclaiming Christ in a Culture that Embraces Homosexuality
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