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CloseShawn Merithew - October 15, 2023
The Institution of the Lord's Supper

In this text this morning, Jesus is preparing to observe passover with His disciples for the last time. This is the day before His murder, and everything necessary for His betrayal and arrest had already been set in motion. As He undertakes this final evening with His disciples, He establishes with them the ordinance of the Lord's Supper, which remains central to worship in the church today. The regular observance of this supper leads us to rejoice in our salvation and it reenergizes our hope.
Scripture References: Luke 22:7-20
Related Topics: Character of God, Communion, Faith, Gospel, Grace, Love, Nature of Humanity, Person of Christ, Salvation, Sanctification, Sin, Sovereignty, Work of Christ | More Messages from Shawn Merithew | Download Audio