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Message: “The Role of the Law” from Shawn Merithew

Shawn Merithew - April 3, 2016

The Role of the Law

The Law does not save us or justify us because we are all sinful and not one of us is able to keep the law perfectly. The law itself, or our obedience to the law, is also not the basis of our sanctification. Christ, through His Holy Spirit sanctifies us, enabling us and giving us new desires that cause us to depend upon Christ and to pursue His example. But the standard that the Spirit directs and guides us to is God’s moral law, given by God in the Old Testament, expounded and modeled by Christ Himself in the New Testament. God’s law is what exposes our depravity, and therefore it is holy, righteous, and good.

Scripture References: Romans 7:12-13

From Series: "Justified in Christ Alone"

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