At Morningview, we believe strongly in the importance of Sunday as the “Christian Sabbath.” We believe that God has set this day apart for us and given it to us for the rest and nourishment that our souls need.
Because we believe that God has called us to set apart a whole day for him, we begin our Sundays together in worship in the morning and end them together again in worship in the evenings. Meeting together on “The Lord’s Day” is the most important thing that we do as a church family and it is the central event in our life together.
Because our Sundays together are so important, in order to keep them from being too crowded, we have to defer some great things to another day of the week. We meet on Wednesdays for G321 Children’s Discipleship, Youth Worship, Adult Bible Study, and Choir Rehearsal.

In a normal week, our church family’s schedule looks like this:
- 9:15 am: Sunday school
- 10:30 am: Morning Worship
- 5:30 pm: Evening Worship and Prayer
- 5:15 pm to 5:50 pm: Family Supper (by reservation)
- 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm: G321 / Youth Worship/Adult Bible Study/Choir Rehearsal