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CloseShawn Merithew - April 23, 2023
Little Man, Big Transformation

This week, we come to the story of another sinner that Jesus met on the road through Jericho. Zacchaeus was rich and had his sight, but he was in just as deep a state of need as the blind beggar. The Holy Spirit led Luke to place these two passages, and therefore these two characters, side-by-side. Through the first man, we see the focus on faith. Through the second man, we see a focus on repentance. Through both, we see the compassion of the Savior who came to seek and to save the lost!
Scripture References: Luke 19:1-10
Related Topics: Character of God, Conversion, Effectual Call, Election, Faith, Forgiveness, Gospel, Missions, Nature of Humanity, Person of Christ, Repentance, Salvation, Sin, Work of Christ | More Messages from Shawn Merithew | Download Audio