Easter Services
Good Friday, April 2, 6:00pm
Easter Sunday, April 4, 10:30am
No Sunday Evening Service
With the potential to have more visitors than usual, we ask any families who are willing to please sit in Fellowship Hall so visitors can find room in the sanctuary. We want church members in the sanctuary also to welcome visitors! Just be mindful that this Easter we will likely have more visitors, but still be limited in our sanctuary seating.
Ecclesiology and Covid-19: A Plan Ahead for Morningview
Morningview family, as Pastor Shawn mentioned Sunday morning- with the state mask mandate expiring April 9, and assuming that it is not extended further as Governor Ivey has promised, we plan to return to more normalcy with our schedule and services beginning Sunday, April 11. Below is a Summary of Key Changes, and a link to a Full Explanation.
Please reach out to our pastors with any questions or concerns.
Summary of Key Changes
- No more roping off of pews, mask wearing in the Sanctuary becomes optional, and hymnals will be back in pew racks.
- Our Chapel (1st FL North) will become our “COVID Cautious” space for those that want extra precautions. Masks will be required in the chapel, chairs will be distanced, and hand sanitizer present for use.
- Adult and Children’s Sunday school classes will resume in their normal spaces.
- Full Wednesday night activities (not including the fellowship meal) will resume 4/14.
- The full details are outlined below on page 6.
Full Explanation:
Worship Care
We’re Hiring!
April 18 is the deadline to submit résumés.
Morningview is seeking to hire someone from our congregation to fill the part-time position of Director of Children’s and Women’s Ministry. Job description: https://drive.google.com/file/
If you are interested, please send your résumé to the church office- lindsay.edwards@morningview.
Family Commitment Service
Sunday, May 9
Parents, if you would like to participate email lindsay.edwards@morningview.
This is a special time when we recognize our families with young or newly adopted children. Parents commit to raise their children to know the Lord, and our church family commits to support parents in that endeavor.
Sunday Resources
Parents, check the sanctuary foyer on Sunday mornings for:
- Children’s Bulletins for the day. Elizabeth creates the Children’s Bulletins each week, so they pertain to that morning’s sermon! Please allow your children to draw on these instead of the visitor cards and giving envelopes in the pew racks.
- Family Worship Guides for the week. Take advantage of these for your family worship time throughout the week! Guide for week of April 4
Heart to Heart Foster Ministry
CJ is in need of helpers to sort and hang clothes at the shop! For more information or to volunteer call CJ Brown: 770-367-7665.
See Heart to Heart’s Facebook page for news, ministry needs and service opportunities: https://www.facebook.com/
Men’s Cajun Dinner Fellowship
Thursday, May 6
6:00pm, Fellowship Hall, $7
Register here or call the church office:
Mark Your Calendars
- Youth Six Flags Trip: June 1 (more details to come)
- VBS: June 7-10 (more details to come)
- No Wednesday Night activity: June 16- August 11 (Summer Break)
- NO EVENING SERVICE on these Sundays:
April 4, Easter
May 9, Mother’s Day
May 30, Memorial Day
June 20, Father’s Day
July 4, Independence Day
New Beginnings Class
Beginning June 6, Pastor Shawn will be leading a 5-week Church Membership Class that will meet during the Sunday School hour (9:15-10:15) in the Theological Library (Room 214) for 5 consecutive Sundays (June 6, 13, 20, 27, and July 4).
Call 334-272-2304 or email lindsay.edwards@morningview.
Sanctuary Policy
No food or drink in the sanctuary. Please leave any mugs, tumblers, food, etc. on the tables just outside the sanctuary. Thank you for helping us preserve our beautiful newly renovated worship space.
Graduate Recognition
Parents of seniors, please send Lindsay your pictures, parent letters, and luncheon reservation numbers! Graduate Recognition is May 2.
Women’s Brunch
Ladies, join us for a time of teaching, fellowship, and service.
Saturday, April 10, 9:00am – 12:30pm in Fellowship Hall
Guest Speaker: Priscilla Stewart
Bring a brunch item to share.
No sign-up required!
Community Group Leader Training
Pastor Jon English Lee will offer several training meetings each year on different topics for those already leading groups, or those who would like to lead a group. Community group leaders are expected to attend at least 2 meetings per year.
Next Training Opportunities:
- Sunday, April 25, 4:30pm
- Wednesday, May 19, 6pm
- Sunday, June 13, 4:30pm
Kem’s Playroom
Plans for an indoor pre-K playground in honor or Kem Holley are approximately half funded. Both in-person and online giving can be designated to this project.
Worship Seating
Please fill in up front and in the middle of the pews unless you require an end space or spot in the back because you are a communion server or need an easy exit with small children.
Youth Summer Camp!
- For member families’ 7th-12th graders
- July 5-8
- Surfside Christian Retreat, Panama City, FL
- Registration deadline May 7
- $275/child, ($225 if you have multiple children going to Youth &/or Kids Camps)
- Spots are reserved on a first come, first served basis. To reserve your spot, register and submit $75 non-refundable deposit.
Register online here
OR pick up a registration packet by the piano in the sanctuary.
Kids Summer Camp!
- For member families’ 3rd-6th graders
- July 12-15
- Camp Baldwin, Elberta, AL
- Registration deadline May 7
- $200/child, ($150 if you have multiple children going to Kids &/or Youth Camps)
- Spots are limited and will be reserved on a first come, first served basis. To reserve your spot, register and submit $50 deposit (or pay full amount).
Register online here
OR pick up a registration packet by the piano in the sanctuary.
Cornerstone Classical Christian Academy
Cornerstone now offers organized athletics for students through its partnership with Ezekiel Academy. Also beginning this fall, Cornerstone is moving to a block schedule which will allow for part-time enrollment options in the upper school! More details here
Please refer any interested family to ccamontgomery.org for more information, or they can call the school office at 334-356-7788.
Sermon Podcast
Morningview sermon podcast can be found by searching for “Morningview Baptist” on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Anchor (https://anchor.fm/morningview