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e-News for November 23-30

Christmas Ministry Opportunities

Heart to Heart Christmas Store CJ Brown’s Foster Care Ministry will be hosting a Christmas Toy Store at the church on December 5th for foster parents in the Montgomery area to shop for their foster children, and she needs a few more helpers!

The Hands of Christ Toy Store This annual store is set-up for parents and guardians who qualify to shop for new deeply discounted items for their children 3-16 years old. The store will be December 8th and 10th (Set-up December 7th) at the church next door to the ministry center (2938 Lower Wetumpka Rd.) Marked bins are out at church now to receive your new unwrapped toy donations! Ministry Center Director Rebecca Hatfield will also need help providing drinks and snacks for shoppers, setting up and operating the store. Please contact Rebecca at 334-262-6438 if you can help with these needs.

Thanksgiving Week

  • NO Wednesday Night activity on November 25.
  • Church Office Closed November 25-27.

Ecuador Interest Meeting

Join us in the chapel on Sunday, November 29, at 5pm if you 1) are definitely interested in going on our Ecuador Family Mission Trip in 2021, or 2) would like to learn more first. The trip is tentatively planned for March 20-28, 2021. Attending this meeting does not commit you to go! It is to gauge interest and answer any questions you may have about the trip.

Community Group Leaders?

If you are interested in starting or leading a small group Bible or book study (in your home or someone else’s), please plan to join Pastor Jon English Lee on Sunday, December 6, at 4:30pm in Fellowship Hall for Small Group Leader Training.

Flourish in Faith II

You can still submit Pledge Cards anytime through the end of the year.

Youth Sunday School Restart!

6th-12th graders, join us in the Youth Big Room (third-floor north) on Sundays at 9:30!

Youth Christmas Party

This year’s Youth Christmas party will be a bonfire at the home of Trey Holley on Friday, December 11. Students in 6th-12th grades and their families are invited. Students, bring a gift ($10 or less) for a “Dirty Santa” Gift Exchange. Guys, bring salty snacks, girls bring sweets. Listen out for other details in the coming weeks!


 Please check out the schedule rotation here:…/16Jm4IDnRyWJmvthz0HN…/view….  If you cannot serve on your scheduled day, please use the information on the schedule to contact another person or couple directly to arrange to swap days with them. Let Lindsay know if you do swap, and please let her know if you have a hard time finding someone to swap and she can help! WHAT IF IT RAINS? As we are still keeping the bigger kids outside for the entire time, Worship Care is dependent upon good weather. Parents and volunteers, if we are cancelling Worship Care we will email and post in the Facebook group on Saturday night. We will email and post to confirm either way if there is any chance of rain in the area. (If Worship Care is cancelled on your day to serve, you will be moved to the bottom of the schedule.) WHAT IF IT GETS COLD? We are thinking about and praying about and working on what to do about that very soon! If you would like to serve on our Worship Care rotation, please call 334-272-2304 or email [email protected].

Bridal Shower

Morningview ladies, please join us in honoring Joy Scott on December 12, 11am-1pm in Morningview’s Welcome Center. Joy is registered at She and fiancé Joshua Mallard will be married on December 19!

Baby Shower

Morningview ladies, please join us in honoring Katie Weaver on January 9, 10am-12pm in Morningview’s Welcome Center. Katie is registered at She and husband TJ are expecting twin boys due in March!

Lords Supper Prep

As we have now resumed our weekly Lords Supper schedule of alternating Sunday mornings and evenings, we need help with prepping the elements. If you would like to serve in this way, please contact Lindsay: 334-272-2304, [email protected]. The time commitment is very minimal, and prepping is easy! And as always, the more help we have the easier it is and less time it takes!

New Beginnings Membership Class

If you attended the last membership class and would like to move forward with the membership process, please complete the Personal Information form that was with your class materials and hand it in to a pastor or to the church office (you can also mail it to the office at 125 Calhoun Rd. Montgomery, AL 36109, or email it to [email protected]).

Abiding and Thriving

You can find copies of our Philosophy of Ministry and Vision for a New Decade around church, or see it here:…/15dICvJnKbneqW5pNXt6…/view…. Please use it as a prayer guide to lift up Morningview, our pastors and leaders, our members, and our plans and efforts before the Father. May we truly abide in Him and bear much fruit!

Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary

Morningview has an ongoing partnership with Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary which allows any of our members to audit their courses online for free. To access their online courses, log on to their website and click on the “Church Partners” tab. Password: 1689. To take part in these classes and earn Masters level credit, you only have to pay the $275 registration fee each semester regardless of the number of classes you take.

Theological Library

The Morningview Baptist Theological Library catalog is now available to view online and is ready for use:

  1. Contact Elizabeth at 334-272-2304 or [email protected] and request a patron number.
  2. Go to
  3. View the online catalog by searching for a specific book title, author, genre, etc.
  4. To view the entire catalog as a list, type “collectionid:1” in the search bar. You can then define your search by clicking the box in the right upper corner labeled “relevancy” to sort the catalog by title, author, popularity, etc.
  5. Check out or hold a book by typing in your assigned patron number.

We currently have just over 500 titles but would love to grow our collection! We have compiled a “Wishlist” of books that we would like to have in our Theological Library for the use of our pastors and all our members. Please view the list here if you would like to purchase and donate books to our Library:…. You can have books shipped directly to the church (125 Calhoun Rd. Montgomery, AL 36109). Please let us know if you do! Donors and memorials will be acknowledged in each book.

Family Worship Guide

Family Worship Guide for the week beginning 11/22:…/1DjJYL44Hmkt7dts7AW8…/view…. We hope this is a blessing and useful tool for your family to be in the word throughout the week!

Church Office

The Church Office will be closed November 25-27. Normal office hours are Monday-Friday, 8am-4:30pm. 334-272-2304. [email protected].