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February 17 eNews

Global Missions Conference

Please make plans to join us February 21-23 for our Global Missions Conference. All of our Missions Partners are making plans to be here! Childcare will be made available for those who register their children by February 17! 

  • Register for childcare here!
  • Register for the Chick-Fil-A meal on Tuesday night of the conference here!
  • Full schedule here!
  • Missions Conference Childcare Help Needed!

    If you are able and willing to serve in childcare during any of the following Missions Conference sessions or worship times, please contact Lindsay in the church office. 

    Sunday 2/21: 9:15-10:15am, 5-5:50pm, 6-7pm

    Monday 2/22: 6-6:50pm, 7-7:50pm

    Tuesday 2/23: 6-6:50pm, 7-7:50pm


Worship Care Resumes…

Worship Care will resume on the first day of the Global Missions Conference- Sunday, February 21!

Youth Sunday School

Youth Sunday School (6th-12th grades) will resume Sunday, March 7! The guys will begin a study through “Thoughts for Young Men” by J.C. Ryle, and the girls will begin a study through “Lies Young Women Believe.” (Books will be provided.) Everyone should meet first in the Youth Big Room at 9:15am.

Family Commitment Sunday

We are planning for this special element of our Sunday morning service to take place on March 14 before worship begins.

If you would like to participate with your child or children, please email with your child’s full name and a picture of them (vertically oriented head shots, please).

During this time we recognize new additions to our families and present Bibles. As a congregation, we commit to pray for the children and parents. Parents, with the support of the Morningview church family, commit to raise children in the fear and admonition of the Lord.

New Beginnings Membership Class

Our next church membership class will be Sunday, March 7, 3:30-7:30pm. Register here or call or email the church office to register for the class. Dinner and childcare (if needed) will be provided upon registration.


Church Budget

Please be in prayer for our Budget Committee as they are preparing a 2021-2022 Budget to present to us. Our Budget Discussion will take place on the evening of Sunday, March 21, following worship, and the budget vote (without discussion) will take place before worship Sunday morning, March 28.

Wednesday Nights

Remember Wednesday Night Youth and Adult Bible Studies are back!

Youth meet in Fellowship Hall and adults meet in the Chapel 6-7pm.



DNow 2021 will be one day- Saturday, March 27– for our youth to fellowship, study God’s word, and serve local ministries. More details and registration here.

Youth Camp!

More details and registration coming soon! Here is what we know:

Who? For students currently in 7th-12th grades (in the 2020-2021 school year).

What? Youth Summer Camp 2021. 

Cost: $275/child, $225 if you have multiple children going to Kids Camp and/or Youth Camp. Spots will be reserved on a first come, first served basis. To secure your spot, register on Realm (and pay the $75 non-refundable deposit online) or submit registration forms and $75 non-refundable deposits to the church office. 

When? July 5-8. Registration Deadline May 7.

Where? Surfside Christian Retreat, Panama City, FL


Kids Camp! 

Registration will open up soon! Here is what we know:

Who? For students currently in 3rd-6th grades (in the 2020-2021 school year).

What? Kids Summer Camp 2021. Costs are still being figured, but it will be roughly what it has been in the past with a discount for families with multiple children going to Kids and/or Youth camps.

When? July 12-15. Registration Deadline May 7.

Where? Camp Baldwin in Elberta, AL (Orange Beach)

Why? “Exploring the Depths of Christ’s Love.” Pastor Shawn will be teaching from the High Priestly Prayer of Jesus in John 17.

Sermon Podcast

Morningview sermon podcast is now active again. It can be found by searching for “Morningview Baptist” on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Anchor ( and others. 

Men’s Softball

Morningview is once again organizing a men’s softball team and we need a few more guys! Men must be 18+ to play. Games will begin in early April (a schedule will be forthcoming). $25 registration fee. Register here.

See Jordan Nelson if you have any questions.


Sanctuary Policy

Thank you for helping us keep our new sanctuary beautiful and clean by not bringing any food or drinks into the sanctuary! There are tables and trashcans just outside the sanctuary doors where you can temporarily leave or dispose of food/drink items.


A Resource for Family Worship

Click here for the Family Worship Guide for the week of February 21.

We hope these guides are a blessing and useful tool to assist your family in being in the word throughout the week!