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January 28 eNews

Sound Team Training

This training is required for those who have already expressed interest in joining the team. It is also open to anyone else who is interested or wants to learn more before committing to join the team. Training will be in the sanctuary sound booth on Wednesday, February 3rd.


DATE CHANGE>> Family Commitment Sunday

We are planning for this special element of our Sunday morning service to take place on MARCH 14 before worship begins. During this time we recognize new additions to our families and present Bibles. As a congregation, we commit to pray for the children and parents. Parents, with the support of the Morningview church family, commit to raise children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. 

If you would like to participate with your child or children, please email [email protected] with your child’s full name and a picture of them (vertically oriented head shots, please).

New Beginnings Membership Class

Our next church membership class will be Sunday, March 7, 3:30-7:30pm. Look for a sign-up link soon, or call or email the church office to register for the class.


Current Weekly Schedule

Sunday Morning (10:30) and Evening (5:30) Worship.

Wednesday Night Bible Study 6-7pm, Adults- Chapel, Youth- Fellowship Hall.

(No nursery care at this time.)


Sanctuary Policy

Please remember, no food or drink in the sanctuary. You may leave mugs and tumblers on the tables in the foyer or hallway outside the sanctuary. Thank you for helping us keep our new sanctuary beautiful and clean! 


Save these Dates! 

Global Missions Conference- February 21-24

DNow- February 27

VBS- June 7-11

Youth Camp- July 5-8 (More details in February. Registration begins in March.)

Kids Camp- July 12-15 (More details in February. Registration begins in March.)

Everything is tentative, of course, but we are planning towards these events. Please be in prayer, and listen out for more details and updates.