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January 5 eNews

Journey of Faith

The first of four sessions begins this Sunday at 9:15am in Room 214 (the Theological Library)! Journey of Faith is a class for children who have expressed interest in church membership or have questions about faith and what it means to be a Christian. The class will meet 9:15-10:15am on January 10, 17, 24, and 31 in the Theological Library. At least one parent or guardian must attend with each child. Please call the church office (334-272-2304) to register your child’s attendance so we can have class materials prepared for you.

New Beginnings Membership Class

If you are interested in joining Morningview, our next membership class will be Sunday, January 24, 3:30-7:30pm. Dinner will be provided and childcare will be made available upon registrationCall the church office (334-272-2304) or register here:


Baby Shower

Morningview ladies, please join us this Saturday, January 9, 10am-12pm in the Welcome Center to shower Katie Weaver with gifts for her twin boys due in March. Katie is registered at Masks will be worn in the Welcome Center.


A Resource for Family Worship

Family Worship Guide for the week of January 10:  

We hope these guides are a blessing and useful tool to assist your family in being in the word throughout the week!


Wednesday Nights

Wednesday night Bible Studies for adults (in the chapel) and youth (6-12th grades in Fellowship Hall) will resume Wednesday, January 13, at 6pm.


Sunday School

We are currently holding off on all Sunday School class meetings. Please listen out for further news and updates!


Mark Your Calendars (in pencil!)

Quarterly Business Meeting- January 17

Global Missions Conference- February 21-24

DNow- February 27

Theological Library

The Morningview Baptist Theological Library catalog is now available to view online and is ready for use:

  1. Contact Elizabeth at 334-272-2304 or [email protected] and request a patron number.
  2. Go to 
  3. View the online catalog by searching for a specific book title, author, genre, etc.
  4. To view the entire catalog as a list, type “collectionid:1” in the search bar. You can then define your search by clicking the box in the right upper corner labeled “relevancy” to sort the catalog by title, author, popularity, etc.
  5. Check out or hold a book by typing in your assigned patron number.

We currently have just over 500 titles but would love to grow our collection! We have compiled a “Wishlist” of books that we would like to have in our Theological Library for the use of our pastors and all our members. Please view the list here if you would like to purchase and donate books to our Library: You can have books shipped directly to the church (125 Calhoun Rd. Montgomery, AL 36109). Please let us know if you do! Donors and memorials will be acknowledged in each book.