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M.I.T. Course Descriptions – Winter 2010

Winter 2010
Dates: January 10 – March 14
Times: Sunday Evenings 5:00 pm – 6:15 pm

Sign up by filling out Sunday’s M.I.T. bulletin insert or call the church office at 272-2304.

New Testament Survey 200
Instructor: Joel Thompson
Text: New Testament Introduction by Donald Guthrie
Room: 321 (New Member’s Room)

This course is an overview of the twenty-seven books of the New Testament. The uniqueness and importance of each book will be seen in light of their central message and major themes.  Introductory matters of historical background, date of composition, original recipients, occasion and purpose of writing, and interpretive challenges of each book will also be addressed.

Biblical Theology 101
Instructor: Tom Hicks
Text: According to Plan by Graeme Goldsworthy
Room: 331 (Adult 4)

What is the overall story of the Bible?  How do the Old and New Testaments fit together?  Getting a grasp of the unity of the Bible and its central message from Genesis to Revelation will help you to understand the meaning of any single biblical book or passage.  Systematic theology examines topics arranged logically, while biblical theology studies biblical themes arranged chronologically through the unfolding of redemptive history.

Christian Worldview 200
Instructor: Ben Robinson
Text: Total Truth by Nancy Pearcey
Room: 329 (Adult 3)

A Christian worldview is necessary for any person who wants to live a Christ-honoring life in a secular society.  This course will apply biblical truth to many areas of public life (e.g., law, education, business) that many in the contemporary culture consider “off limits” to the church.  The benefit of cultivating a Christian worldview is that believers can know Jesus more intimately as Lord over every aspect of their lives.

To receive a certificate of lay theological training, students will need to complete six 100 level courses, six 200 level courses, and six 300 level courses for a total of eighteen courses.