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March 11 eNews

MBC Weekly eNews


Daylight Saving Time Begins

This Sunday, March 14. Remember to “spring” forward! Set your clocks forward one hour on Saturday night.


Church Budget

The 2021-2022 Budget will be emailed to members (or mailed to those with no email address), so please be on the lookout for that by Monday! Our Budget Discussion will take place on the evening of Sunday, March 21, following worship. The budget vote (without discussion) will take place before worship Sunday morning, March 28.


Kem’s Playroom

Church family, we are currently working on plans for an indoor playground for preschoolers that would be installed in the large and currently unused room at the end of the nursery hall. The project is approximately half funded right now through memorial donations given in honor of Kem Holley. If you would like to give towards this project, please designate your giving “Kem’s Playroom.” You can also choose that option from the drop down menu when giving online through Realm.


Limited Sunday School

The following Sunday School classes have resumed meeting at 9:15 on Sunday mornings: 

  • Youth (6-12th grade) in the Big Room (3rd floor, north)
  • Sarah Jones’ Ladies Class in Room 318
  • Tony Edwards’ Class in the Chapel
  • Billy Cox’s class in Fellowship Hall

Currently no nursery care, children’s Sunday School, or other adult classes are meeting during the Sunday School hour. Prayerfully soon! Please follow the eNews and announcements for future updates!  


Ladies Bible Study Groups

Several Women’s Nehemiah Study groups will be starting various days and times next week (see below). You can sign up via Realm here, or call Elizabeth in the church office. Once you are registered for a specific group, you will receive communication from your group leader with more meeting details.  “Arise” study guides are required. They can be purchased from church for $8. If you have not already received or requested yours, please let us know!

  1. Brucie Cox’s group will meet every other Thursday 10:00am-11:30am at Brucie’s house: 4900 Lake Edge St. Montgomery, AL 36116
  2. Lynette Smith’s group will meet every other Tuesday 10:00am-11:30am at Lynette’s house: 3841 Colline Dr. Montgomery AL 36106
  3. Monica Lott’s group will meet every other Wednesday 6:30pm-8:00pm at the church
  4. Melanie Patrick’s group will meet every other Thursday 2:00pm-3:30pm in Wetumpka (exact location TBA)
  5. Brenna Lewis’ group will meet every Thursday 6:30pm-8:00pm at Brenna’s house: 1334 Kingston Oaks, Prattville AL 36067
  6. Katie Patrick’s group for young women in high-school or college will meet every other Friday 6:00pm-7:30pm at Katie’s house: 1614 Owens Rd. Wetumpka, AL 36093


Women’s Fellowship

Ladies, our Women’s Ministry Team is planning an event for April 10, so mark your calendars and listen out for more details!



Registration ends this Sunday, March 14! Register your 6-12th graders for DNow 2021 here.

This will be a one-day event on Saturday, March 27, at the church with lunch provided. Our youth will be blessed by the fellowship, and by the teaching on “God’s Law and Grace in a Fallen World” led by Andrew Graham. They will also serve two local ministries- Fisher’s Farm (guys), and Heart to Heart (girls).


Deacon and Pastor Nominations

Morningview members, it’s time to begin prayerfully nominating qualified men to our church offices of Lay Pastor and Deacon. You will find nomination forms at church throughout this month. You can fill those out and leave them in the offering plates or on .


Heart to Heart Foster Ministry- Volunteers Needed!

Please checkout the Heart to Heart Facebook page for news, ministry needs and service opportunities: 

For more information or to volunteer call CJ Brown: 770-367-7665


Cornerstone Classical Christian Academy

Open Enrollment has begun! Please help spread the word about Cornerstone and its many benefits and advantages for students and their families being an affordable classical Christian school. Cornerstone now offers organized athletics for students through its partnership with Ezekiel Academy. Also beginning this fall, Cornerstone is moving to a block schedule which will allow for part-time enrollment options in the upper school! More details here: 

Please refer any interested family to for more information, or they can call the school office at 334-356-7788.


Church Membership

If you have previously attended a New Beginnings Membership Class and would like to move forward with the membership process, please complete the gold form that was in the front pocket of your class binder, and submit it to a pastor or to the church office.


Youth Summer Camp!

Don’t wait to register for 2021 Youth Camp!!! Registering online will require a deposit payment online. Register online here

OR you can pick up a registration packet at church- by the piano in the sanctuary.


Who? For students currently in 7th-12th grades (in the 2020-2021 school year).

What? Youth Summer Camp 2021. 

Cost: $275/child, $225 if you have multiple children going to Kids Camp and/or Youth Camp. Spots will be reserved on a first come, first served basis. To secure your spot, register on Realm (and pay the $75 non-refundable deposit online) or submit registration forms and $75 non-refundable deposits to the church office. 

When? July 5-8. Registration Deadline May 7.

Where? Surfside Christian Retreat, Panama City, FL


Kids Summer Camp! 

Don’t wait to register for 2021 Kids Camp!!! Registering online will require a deposit payment online. Register online here

OR you can pick up a registration packet at church- by the piano in the sanctuary.


Who? For students currently in 3rd-6th grades (in the 2020-2021 school year).

What? Kids Summer Camp 2021. $200/child or $150/child if you have multiple children going to Kids or Youth Camps.

When? July 12-15. Registration Deadline May 7.

Where? Camp Baldwin in Elberta, AL (Orange Beach)

Why? “Exploring the Depths of Christ’s Love.” Pastor Shawn will be teaching from the High Priestly Prayer of Jesus in John 17.


Men’s Softball

Games will be on Monday nights beginning April 12 (full schedule forthcoming). $25 registration fee. Men must be 18+ to play. Register by March 24 here 

See Jordan Nelson if you have any questions.


Sermon Podcast

Morningview sermon podcast is now active again. It can be found by searching for “Morningview Baptist” on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Anchor ( and others. 


Sanctuary Policy

Thank you for helping us keep our new sanctuary beautiful and clean by not bringing any food or drinks into the sanctuary! There are tables and trashcans just outside the sanctuary doors where you can temporarily leave or dispose of food/drink items.


A Resource for Family Worship

Family Worship Guide for the week of March 14: 

We hope these guides are a blessing and useful tool to assist your family in being in the word throughout the week!