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As of late, we have been putting a lot of emphasis on our global missions efforts — specifically the people groups we are considering for formal adoption by our congregation.  These are exciting endeavors for our church family.  But even as we consider these excellent works, we need to also keep an emphasis on gospel ministry and mission work right here in our own community.

Generally speaking, we often find it very easy to complain about problems and shortcomings in our communities, and those problems are real.  However, at the root, the problems we face here are no different then the problems faced in China or Brazil or Pakistan or England or Nigeria or Canada.  The universal human problem is sin, and the only universal solution is faith in Jesus Christ.  Thus, just as we would labor to reach the unreached on the other side of the globe, we should labor to reach the unreached on the other side of the street.

On March 27th, we will have a Community Missions Service Day where we will have the privilege of serving our own community and, Lord willing, opening many doors for true gospel witness.  The event will last from 8:00 am to 12:00 noon (a few teams may go slightly longer).  Child care will be provided for nursery age children and those in grade school will have a ministry activity to participate in.

We will have teams serving our Hands of Christ Ministry Center in Chisholm, some serving our shut-ins, and some serving other community needs organizations.  We will also have teams engaging in evangelism and outreach projects, our children will be singing in nursing homes, and we will have events here on our campus for our senior adults to participate in.

I hope you will set aside this day on your calendar, because all of us have a role to play.  This event is structured to include every able-bodied member of our congregation.  By God’s grace, we will be able to touch many, many lives with the Gospel, and the joy we will glean from our obedience and witness will be an immense blessing.  I love you all!